Spring Equinox Live Video Streaming Empowerment(Sunday March 20)

    This event is now over.  To be notified of our next Live Streaming Event,
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    During the Spring Equinox there is a great deal of power.  It is easier to change and remove unwanted qualities and energies from our being. Everything is energy... you either gain energy or lose energy. Thousands of people across the world wish to advance spiritually and never do. They spend their lifetime trying and they reach a certain level and never really advance spiritually.  It's because they don't have the power and energy to change.

    Spring Equinox if Fast Approaching

    There are four times of tremendous power that occur every year and those are the solstices and the equinoxes.  The spring equinox is a time physical world where there is a great deal of light and in the subtle planes there are doorways and powers that open and come into view.  And if we can be open to those powers, they can carry us a long way.

    The Equinox Empowerment...

    Most of us want spiritual success, financial success, harmony or an abundance of energy to create with. The way we accomplish things is by opening ourselves up to powers, to forces, to energies.  And we focus on those energies, we blend our aura, we extend our luminous selves psychically into those forces and powers and we can change and create a new life.

    Transmission of Light

    Are you get stuck in ideas, habits, and ways of seeing life, ourselves, the Universe. Do you seek to change yourself and succeed in your spiritual and physical goals?

    A true mystic is someone that seeks and knowledge and power. The light transmission directed towards you enables
    you to change and become the person you want to be.

    In order to be a serious seeker of higher consciousness you need to have energy transferred to you. That way you can move quickly from states of minds into brighter, divine consciousness.

    They Spring Equinox Empowerment will enable you move into brighter levels of consciousness and have energy to use towards your goals and have a happy and  fulfilled life.

    Changing Lives

    My entire life has changed since Michele has been sending me the Shakti Light. I am singing and happy and even my husband notices the difference. It is what feels like a miracle. I can feel love and joy like I only felt as a child.

    Naomi United Kingdom

    Thank you so very much for your loving and encouraging words–they are truly appreciated! Also wanted to let you know, dearest Michele, that your prayer/energy transfer brought about an incredibly deep and spiritually uplifting meditation experience, such as I’ve never experienced before!

    John Berlin

    This 6 week Advanced Mysticism course was wonderful. The thing I most enjoyed was the energy clearing! It was especially uplifting for me that my husband, Steve. Prior to that he was not about releasing anything, so to see him get into it and enjoy the results was great.  I also want to thank you again for offering all those prayers - remarkable. Michele you absolutely, bloody rock! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    Erica United States

    I am very grateful for growth that Michele Blood's Advanced Mysticism Course has given me. It was a clean-sweep of old energy for me. Receiving the Light transmissions seemed to super-charge the results as I followed the instructions to change my life, both inside and out. It gave me a liberating sense of renewal. I came out of it changed and freed from old-me limitations. This was a very valuable experience for me and I am so thankful to Michele.

    Hemat Australia

    Michele, all is so Beautiful and I appreciate everything that you have done for me.  My life has changed so much. I literally feel like I have stepped back out in the world as a new person.  I am grateful to you.  I hope you feel my heartfelt gratitude all the way from the East Coast 🙂  Love!

    Elizabeth United States

    The Advanced Mysticism course has brought a new way of life for me.  In applying the techniques, I found my house became a different place to live in. The house became anew as if it had come to life with a new feeling and energy. I am so grateful to you, Michele, for introducing me to these tools that are so simple but yet so powerful in my life, and because the Light was sent to me as I followed the instructions, it made it a truly Mystical Experience.

    William Ireland

    I want to thank you for taking the time to create the Advanced 6 week course towards liberation. Being guided in lecture and tasks, such as clearing environment, purifying, and setting goals, along with each week being given a meditation and Light Transmission, has changed my life.  I will continue to review these again and again for daily empowerment. Thank you so very much. Blessing.

    Kim United States

    I encourage everyone to go through the Advanced Mysticism Course. So much to discover... so much bliss to be felt. I felt the energy in my environment change and was uplifted.  I started a new journey and was lifted up high! It is unusual to have someone who can actually transmit Light to others. Michele’s Light ripples out for a brighter, happier, more loving, peace filled world! Thank you Michele.

    Bernadette Australia

    Ready To Be a Part of The Spring
    Equinox Empowerment?

    Live Streaming  with Michele 11:00am Pacific Time

    There will be 3 empowerments during the 1.5 - 2 hour Live Streaming.
    To empower the things you want to create, change or release.