Video Shortcodes

[one type=”separate”]


Below are the options that are available for this shortcode and their default values. A hash (#) indicates a required value.
'name' => '#',
'url' => '#',
'image' => '',
'width' => '470',
'height' => '320',
'controlbar' => 'bottom', // bottom, over, top
'autostart' => 'false', // false, true
'icons' => 'true', // true, false
'stretching' => 'fill', // fill, exactfit, uniform, none
'align' => 'none', // none, alignleft, alignright, aligncenter
'skin' => ''.../lib/scripts/mediaplayer/fs39/fs39.xml' // Only use if you know want you're doing
'html5_1' => '', // Chrome/Safari HTML5 video URL (MP4/WEBM)
'html5_2' => '', // FireFox/Opera HTML5 video URL (OGG/OGV)
'priority' => 'flash' // flash, html5

And this is what you should insert into your posts and pages…
[video name="#" url="#" image="" width="470" height="320" align="alignnone" controlbar="bottom" autostart="false" stretching="fill" icons="true" /][/one]


YouTube Video


[video image="wp-content/uploads/Love-Unites.jpg" width="500" height="300" url="" name="youtube-video" stretching="fill" align="aligncenter" controlbar="none"]

[curved /]

Vimeo Video

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ultrices nulla non magna auctor quis dapibus est eleifend. Aenean iaculis suscipit ultrices. Suspendisse porttitor leo ipsum, nec gravida massa. In feugiat nunc quis tellus pulvinar bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc feugiat dolor sit amet ante feugiat varius. Sed nec urna sapien, eget commodo nisl. Proin sit amet sapien libero. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer ante nulla, vestibulum in dignissim nec, consequat ut nunc.

Suspendisse mollis, elit quis pretium semper, nulla nisl facilisis mi, vitae rhoncus nibh augue non purus. Maecenas eget velit tellus, non euismod tellus. Nunc felis nisi, scelerisque vestibulum venenatis in, venenatis in mi. Morbi sit amet viverra quam. Curabitur porttitor molestie sagittis. Mauris ullamcorper bibendum auctor. Quisque dictum urna in tortor faucibus ut malesuada metus porta. Cras luctus, mauris sit amet convallis iaculis, justo libero vehicula neque, ut ornare sapien est eget metus. Fusce eget nulla erat. Ut non felis erat, nec tincidunt dolor. Phasellus diam mi, commodo sed laoreet nec, scelerisque eget erat.

[clear /]

[video url="" name="vimeo-video" align="alignleft" width="250" height="200"]

[curved /]

FLV Video

[clear /]

[video url="" name="flv-video" image="wp-content/uploads/Love-Unites.jpg" align="aligncenter"]


HTML5 Video

[clear /]

[video url="" name="html5-video" image="wp-content/uploads/Love-Unites.jpg" align="aligncenter" html5_1="" html5_2="" priority="html5"]


MP3 File

[clear /]

[video url="" name="mp3" align="aligncenter" height="46"]

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